As the investors worry about banks and GM stock market kept continuing its dreadful falls further bringing the countries economy as of the beginning of March. This blog post will solely provide analysis of the situation.
The area colored in red is the fall for the month of March so far, as we have yet to experience what Friday will bring on DOW Jones Industry Index. This Chart shows the numerical changes of the first week of March. It just seems the way the economy is moving, none of the Economic bail out plans happened to design a change in the pattern. One would think with the help of Millions of dollars of tax payers money lend to Troubled Assets, they would show at least a slight improvement, which clearly was denied of the fact when AIG beg for another Bail out money.
I believe these companies required to be extensively restructured, and force extreme cautious on internal money management or some sought. It is to be given thought that US consumer base is in fact declining as far as the consumer purchases go. Consumers now expand its purchasing power only to essential items, which eliminate the possibility of economy stimulating consumer sales for companies. But I believe the Stimulus plan we talked in previous blog post, will have a good impact as to stimulate the country's economy. Because where they are getting those billion dollars to fund bail out plans, there is not going to be more of those soon or later...
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