Connecting two computers together: part 4, remote access to a computer from anywhere

In previous topic we talked about connecting two computers together using hardware solutions and be able to access each others hard drives.

What we are going to talk today is, another great functionality of computer networking, remote access to another computer. As you may know, or have tried, there are variety of these type of software solutions. Because of the larger number of solutions available in achieving this task, in this post I will be ranking those software solutions based on their user-friendliness, features, and security.

Best remote access software

Links to above programs; TeamViewer, realVNC, logMeIn, gotomypc, pcAnywhere.

Other good programs that didnt make it to top 5 list.

Unyte Remote desktop server with a Java applet viewer and IM integration.
mRemote manage VNC and RDP connections on Windows.
rdesktop command-line client for UNIX/Linux.
And the Remote Desktop windows application.

See also:
VNC software connections in remote desktop