What ashPresentom's analysis and predictions of the $790B Economic Stimulus package

I am sure you are delighted to hear that on top of tax returns you will also be receiving another tax rebate from the IRS. But will it truly mean anything to the country’s troubled economy?

Specs of the last economic stimulus package $168B, January 2008 under Bush administration.

With the current economic stimulus plan in the process of being approved has a structure that holds these sections.

Tougher times as oppose to 2008 have certainly being taken into consideration in Obama’s stimulus plan. “Tax cut would be scaled back from $500 for most workers to $400, with couples getting $800 instead of $1,000.” – Associate Press.

Timely concern of these tax rebates put into action by the Treasury; during the previous stimulus package which was approved to operate in January 2008, began sending payments starting from May. So we could expect a two months drag before tax payers will be able to receive the rebates. IRS will be using the 2008 tax return to determine eligibility and calculate payment amounts. As the previous time, there IRS will have a web page deem to provide detailed information regarding tax payer’s eligibility and status check.

On the previous occasion once the plan was passed, stock market showed a relatively interesting joy while found itself hard to maintain for a long time. Here is a graphical representation of 2008 plan and its effects.

Green area represents the immediate impact after Jan 22nd, the expectations of consumer spending and expected increase in profits for companies. But the Yellow area shows the length of this high-tone of stock market. Right after that it dropped on a continuous basis.

Given this economic stimulus package has a higher value and enclose more aspects in supporting troubled assets, it might mean to the overall country’s economy more than four or five months of stimulus.

Once the plan is approved and in place, be sure to check back ashPresentom and we will post more detailed niceties and useful links.