Election as it happened

This year (2008) as the US presidential election happened, there were several websites reporting the results in dashboard format real time. Among several are CBSnews and MSNBC, I found to be showing a very detailed and informative dashboard real-time.

But as I was observing the awaited election results, the election started with Mccain gaining the lead with first results went out, but I wondered how Obama will increase his votes and the gap as the time goes...Thats when the graph cames into place.

Below you find is how total votes for each candidates changes against time or as we moved into the election results. After 12:45a I stopped recording data and the last was the final results.

The graph below shows the percentage difference against time. Percentage difference was calculated as (Obama votes - Mccain votes/Total votes distributed among Obama and Mccain)*100. Once again I stopped recording after 12:45.

These graphs thoroughly shows how election went on against time. Enjoy!