Welcome to Presentom by Ashan

In this blog, plan is to spread my knowledge and what I know in the area of product manufacturing, entrepreneurship, Global business, my new ventures as well as the current venture which is FAARO jewelry (www.faaro.com) I highly plan on introducing FAARO jewelry to the blog community in a more informal setting and to give a touching insight about this venture and its production and also I would like to share some insight on softwares from excel to photoshop, Flash, project management and optimization. You can also expect to read some topics on beauty and natural gemstones, environment and future.

I would greatly appreciate your comments on my future topics and I will also try to create video and audio format topics that could be distributed through podcasting.

From time to time I will have several eBay auctions activating and will also look forward to sharing them with you as some of you might find them interesting.

Thank you.