FATCOW.com webhosting service reviewed

You ever heard the saying some people learn things the hard way? Or, to learn somethings you have to do it for yourself? Well under those categories, do we classify the fatcow webhosting company. As most of the times, sales people are the trickiest and mind boggling folks that try to eat you up and take what ever they can, and give you the least they can. Signing up for a webhosting company, one thing to keep in mind is read the god damn terms, so you know what are the hidden charges. Thats the sales trick, show only the bright-side of the plate but hide the evil charges, that will hunt you down once you did something that was not shown in the bright side.

Interesting case, fatcow.com ranked top in most webhosting sites and for low rates per month, its the place to go, at least thats what you thought. They have a recent special promotion, $5.50/month and 30 day money back which comes with a free domain name. What are they hiding in this abnormally astounding offer? the hidden fees, which you would never find out regardless if you took that extra step to read their never ending terms and conditions. The catch here is, if you buy the hosting package and register a domain name, and even if it was after an hour you found out their hidden, but crappy shopping cart and decided to cancel the account, you will still not get the full refund that was mentioned in the bright side of the plate. If you register the domain name, no matter if you request the cancellation within 30 days they will still charge you $15, for what you may say? for using domain credits to register the FREE domain. May the truth be unleashed!

Bottom line here is the butterfly is only colorful so long till you start pouring water on its feathers, the wild dog is only calmed till you feed the bone before it bites your hand on your next move. Be sure to read the terms and conditions and ask specific questions before you purchase a product, will only save you the hassle in most cases.